Daya Terima Formula Ikan Haruan Dan Formula Ayam Pada Balita Stunting Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Martapura Timur Kabupaten Banjar Kalimantan Selatan
Stunting is one of the nutritional problems caused by malnutrition and is related to insufficient nutrition in the past. The 2021 Indonesian Nutrition Status Study (SSGI) South Kalimantan Province ranks 6th with a presentation of 30.0%. Data from the Banjar District Health Service for March 2023 at the East Martapura Health Center showed that there were 188 stunted toddlers. In Central Malay Village, there are 11 stunted toddlers. According to the Minister of Health's Decree ≤ 20% is said to be successful/ Objective : The aim of this research was to determine the acceptance of stunted toddlers who were given haruan fish formula and chicken formula Method: This type of research is descriptive, case study research on stunted toddlers by measuring the acceptability of haruan fish formula and chicken formula. The acceptability category is good if the food waste indicator is ≤ 20%. The population in this study were 11 stunted toddlers. The independent variables are: Haruan fish formula and chicken formula, the dependent variable is: acceptability. Results : The results of this study are: the most stunted toddlers are aged 13 - 24 months (54.55%). The most common gender of stunted toddlers is male (72.73%). Haruan fish formula and chicken formula made in schotel form, given to stunted toddlers for six consecutive days, found an average of less than 20% remaining in the formula. This means that food remaining less than or equal to 20% is an indicator of success.Publishing your paper with JURNAL SKALA KESEHATAN POLITEKNIK KESEHATAN BANJARMASIN (JSK) means that the author or authors retain the copyright in the paper. JSK granted an exclusive reuse license by the author(s), but the author(s) are able to put the paper onto a website, distribute it to colleagues, give it to students, use it in your thesis etc, even commercially. The author(s) can reuse the figures and tables and other information contained in their paper published by JSK in future papers or work without having to ask anyone for permission, provided that the figures, tables or other information that is included in the new paper or work properly references the published paper as the source of the figures, tables or other information, and the new paper or work is not direct at private monetary gain or commercial advantage. JSK journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. This journal is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. This license lets others remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. JSK journal Open Access articles are distributed under this Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA). Articles can be read and shared for All purposes under the following conditions:
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